showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Borderlands 3 2K Games (IPerion)2019 aaa abilitydependencies achievements achievements-functional adv-ptdistr adventurerprotagonist aimassist aimmode alienanimals ambientocclusion assaultrifles autoshotguns backstabbing berserkers borderlands-series bossbattles buggy burning canyon capacity-slots capacity-toolslots cave cheapdeath circadiancycle classbased classlinkedgender cloaking clones compass containers cyborgs damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes deadlywater deadondisplay depthoffield diaries difficulty-players driving enemyhealthdisplay energyshields explosiveobjects firearms fxaa grenades guntossing gyrojets handguns healthdraining healthdrops healthpickups insectoids inventory itemgenerator jumping jumppads launcher limitedcapacity locationaldamage lootemup low-g machineguns machinepistols map minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-private mpfocus mutants nohealthregen npcspawning npcstrife objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator obsoletedassets optionaltasks precisionrifles primates radar ragers rehash reload-auto reload-manual respec revolverrifles revolvers robots rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy sellundo shieldregen shopping shotguns splatter stash stylized submachineguns tasktracker telescope titlementioned town trampling tutorial walking wwise xp-kills zoom At the hard edge of the galaxy lies a group of planets ruthlessly exploited by militarised corporations. Brimming with loot and violence, this is your home – the Borderlands. Answering the call of the Siren champion Lilith, four Vault Hunters charge head-first into a spray of bullets, blood, and bandits to recover a map to ancient Vaults and prevent a universe-destroying power from falling into the wrong hands. The rest is history. Fearless renegade mercenaries on the wildest interplanetary treasure hunt of all time. FL4K is a wandering robotic tracker whose cold steel heart warms only for their pet beasts. Amara beats bad guys into pancakes with her psychic fists. Moze’s best friend is a 10-ton walking killing machine. And Zane, the semi-retired corporate hitman... well, he’s Zane. Hunting Alone? No problem! Shoot and loot your way through the Borderlands, discovering the region’s untold stories and piling high your increasingly deadly cache of goodies and weapons. labelminimizesubject
Defense Grid 2  505 Games (Hidden Path Entertainment)2014 alieninvasion aliens argevent autosavepoints beamweapons download energyweapons gamebryoengine interest lighthearted missionbased openfield orbitalweapons paidkilling ramparts robots silentprotagonist structureupgrades towerdefense tutorial unseenprotagonist upgradesystem waves Defense Grid 2 is the next evolution in tower defense.
In Defense Grid 2 players will discover new additions that will require the player to change their tower strategy. Defense Grid 2 offers dynamic content where gameplay is constantly changing.
There are a million different ways you can beat a level so your solution is truly your solution. The addition of cooperative and competitive multiplayer brings a whole new experience to Defense Grid.
The mix of strategy and puzzle gameplay promises to be fun and engaging.***
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Activision;FromSoftware;方块游戏 (FromSoftware)2019 16thcentury actionadventure adv-intermediary backstabbing backtracking blocking bonusbosses bossarenas breakmeter cave cliff colossi cyborgprotagonist deathfakers difficulty-single dodging dragons elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay fantasticearth fasttravel feudaljapan fortress gianthumanoids giantinsects goldbags humanoids immortals invincibilityframes itemglow japan japanesemythology langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langthai magic magicaltechnology mapdeficient minibosses monsters multipleendings neutralmonsters newgameplus ninja ninjaprotagonist nofailstate orphanprotagonist parrying potions premadeprotagonist recallportal save-opportunistic secondwind sengokuperiod shopping sizeispower soulslike statuseffects swimming swords targetlock temple timedblocks titlementioned tutorial undead underwaterdiving unlimitedlives xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Fallout 4 Bethesda Softworks (Bethesda Game Studios)2015 ♫faustoverture 2070s 21stcentury achievements atomicage-theme companionapp compass creation-engine dialogwheel displacementfiction display-30fps earth fallout firearms flash framesynced future genderchoice interactivedialogs langbrazil-port langchinesetrad lockpicking northamerica nuclearsolution parentprotagonist postapocalypse prologue protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face rating-pegi-18 retrofuture settlementminigame spouseprotagonist trash tutorial Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, welcomes you to the world of Fallout 4 . Winner of more than 50 Game of the Year awards, including top honors at the 2016 D.I.C.E. Awards. Fallout 4 is the studio’s most ambitious game ever and the next generation of open-world gaming. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.***
Overwatch Blizzard Entertainment2016 jethammers microtransactions mode-practice mp-control mp-matchmaking mp-payload mp-teams multinationalorganization playerstats preorderbonus pvp robots speciesuplift technofantasy tutorial upliftedanimals labelimageminimize
Valley Blue Isle Studios2016 actionadventure canada cave compass diaries earth exoskeleton fullbodyawareness nofalldamage objectiveindicator rating-pegi-12 ruins sciencefantasy speedbuildup tasktracker tutorial undefinedelements unity-engine upgradesystem wilderness labelimageminimize
The Long Journey Home  Daedalic Entertainment (Daedalic Studio West)2017 aliens astrophysics energyshields extraterrestrial fuel future hybridgame interstellartravel landersim mapgenerator physics roguelite spacecraft starfishaliens stranded tutorial unrealengine4 uvl-workingtitle warptravel labelminimizeminimize
Ryse: Son of Rome Microsoft Game Studios (Crytek)2013 1stcentury actionadventure actioncamera aristocrats barbarians blocking city city-rome-it combobonuses defensebreaking deities dismemberment dodging earth gore hackandslash imperiumromanum kinect launchtitle meleeweapons microtransactions noports objectiveindicator past platformexclusive quicktimeevent screenshake secrets sequence-defend shieldbash slowmotion soldiers splatter stunning swords tutorial upgradesystem warriorprotagonist xboxsmartglass labelimageminimize
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die Microsoft Studios (Access Games)2014 episodic investigatorprotagonist kinect poinavigation timetravel tutorial unrealengine3 A time traveling detective has to solve his wife’s murder before he can prevent it. Use his supernatural ability to "dive" into the world of the living past by touching artifacts called "mementos" to find out the truth behind his wife’s death.***
MotoGP 15 Milestone srl2015 earth minimap motorcycle motorracing motorsport naturalistic tutorial labelminimizeminimize
Yooka-Laylee  Team17 Digital (Playtonic Games)2017 ♫teddybearpicnic anthroprotagonist ants bees birds bossbattles boxed clams crabs crowdfunded download fish forest giantants giantinsects giantspiders hermitcrabs moles music-bluegrass naturalweapons nodrm npcstrife plantcreatures pumpkin sharks skeletons spiritualsuccessor subterranean teleport titularcharacter tutorial unarmedfighting undead walruses witches labelminimizeminimize
City of Brass Uppercut Games2018 monsters oldarabian-theme swords timeouthunter tutorial undead whips Become a daring thief in City of Brass, a first-person action adventure from senior BioShock developers. Armed with scimitar and a versatile whip, you’ll lash and slash, bait and trap your way to the heart of an opulent, Arabian Nights-themed metropolis – or face certain death as time runs out. labelimagesubject
World of Tanks  Wargaming.net2015 20thcentury accuracy-motion accuracy-turning achievements aimassist aimdeadzone aimdelay ammotypes artillery autocannons automove ballistics bigworld-engine bittorrent burning camouflage cannons capacity-slots capacity-weight charging city clansystem colorblind companionapp compatiblewine compplay crepuscularrays crewtargeting damageinfo delayedturning depthoffield destructibleenvironment displaychoice dynamicaccuracy earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect europe falldamage flash fmod fofindicator fovoption free friendlyfire friendlyfire-penalty fxaa healing impactangle independentaim intelextrememasters internalrepair karelia languagefilter lensflare lethalvelocity limitedcapacity limitedsupplies locationaldamage machineguns map markers massmatters matchlockedcharacters microtransactions midastouch minimap minimumrange mobileartillery modifiable motionblur mp-friends mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-matchwarmup mp-rejoin mp-teams multiphased naturalistic nocampaign nonfunccontent noports nostory obsoletedassets openal overburdening physx playerstats pointertoggle poland predefinedcontrols prototypevehicle pvp pythonlanguage randomdamage rangefinder rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-7 rating-usk-12 recoil repairing ruins rural scatterindicator screenshake selfupdate shallowwater shopping sightrelay singlegender sizematters socialnetwork stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight story-none supplies surfacevariations tactical tank tanks tanksim targetlock targetoutline teamawareness telescope timedbenefit timelimit town tracers traction tutorial tutorial-interactive upgradesystem vehiclecrew veterancy voicechat war warfare-land wasteland worldborder worldcybergames wreckage xblm xml labelimageminimize